South superstar and hottie Naga Chaitanya has his eyes on Bollywood. On being asked about his plans to remake his blockbuster 100% Love he was surprised by the question. “I would love to do the Hindi remake, given a choice, since it would be ideal debut vehicle for me in B-town. With some tweaking, the story has potential to impress audiences across the country,” he reveals. Then steering away from that he reveals that he is a “zero in socialising”. For a superstar he is particularly bad at mingling with strangers and prefers to hang out with close pals.
Like any working professional, reigning star Naga Chaitanya has his share of fun and his celebrity status hasn’t stopped him from hanging out with his old pals. “I hang out with friends and attend select private dos. I am not the partying type and I think I suck at mingling with strangers. I chat about the latest edition cars and gizmos, fashion trends and about pretty girls as well,” says the 20-plus actor, who is shooting three films back-to-back.
“Work is a bit hectic now but I don’t mind slogging six days a week and then I rejuvenate with a short holiday,” he adds. On the family front, the actor loves hanging out with his brother Akhil and they spend a lot of quality time together. “He is like a buddy and I’m going to miss him as he is leaving for the United States for higher studies,” he says.
On rumours about his misunderstanding with co-star Kajal on the sets of Dhada, he laughs. “It was just a lot of crap since she is very hassle-free and friendly and I think she is one of the best co-stars I have worked with. Our onscreen chemistry is enchanting,” he clarifies. On another controversy that his film Bejawada Rowdilu with ace director Ram Gopal Verma has been disrupted by the people of Vijayawada because of the offensive title, he says, “The citizens of Vijayawada showered me with love and thronged my shooting sets, so I never encountered any disruption.”
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