Other Bollywood celebrities who have made it to the tube are Mallika Sherawat, Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zinta and Akshay Kumar (in that order). Mallika’s dance show Chak Dhoom Dhoom had opened with 2.2 points. Shah Rukh’s Total Wipeout: Zor Ka Jhatka had opened with 2.7 points, Preity’s Guinness World Record: Ab India Todega flagged off with 3.3 points and Akshay’s fourth edition of Khatron Ke Khiladi fetched 3 points for episode one.
Understandably, the broadcaster is thrilled. Head of programming, Ashvini Yardi beams, “We’re naturally elated about the ratings that IGT 3 has opened with. We were sure that we’ve managed to get hold of some fine talent this season too, but with the medium we’re working for, it’s difficult to say how a set of viewers will respond. We’re glad that Dharamji has clicked.”
The buzz is that the channel plans to continue with Dharmendra in the next season too, though Yardi refused to comment. Star-judge Dharmendra is equally excited: “I’m delighted with the ratings, although these numbers are a new concept for me. I was offered many shows. Bahut soch samajhke iss show ke liye haami bhari thi (I had given this show a nod after much thought). I was hopeful that it would do something good for the channel and the participants. Abhi to shuruat, aage aage dekhiye hota hai kya (this is just the beginning, wait and watch what comes next).”