Are you Church-goer? beware of Obesity

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Frequent churchgoers frequently fatter.

An inactive lifestyle, watching TV and eating too many fatty foods are all to blame for many Americans being overweight and obese. We may have to add religion to that list.

A study finds that young adults who regularly attend religious activities may be more prone to obesity by middle age than their nonreligious peers.

Jell-O salad? We’re looking in your direction.

The study included 2,433 younger men and women who were part of the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study and were followed for 18 years. Religious participation ranged from high (once a week or more), medium (regularly but not weekly), low (rarely) and none.

During the second year of the study researchers discovered that those in the high participation category tended to be female, black, and have a higher BMI.

The study, presented this week at the American Heart Assn.’s Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism/Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention 2011 Scientific Sessions in Atlanta, offered no explanation for why religious activity might be linked with obesity in middle age. However, other studies have shown that being involved with religion may be linked with lower mortality rates.

Some religious organizations are starting grass-roots efforts to help their congregations slim down and get fit. Could this mean the end of the venerable potluck? Probably not, but casseroles, pies and yes, even Jell-O salad might be headed for a makeover.

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