Anti corruption campaigner Anna Hazare will share space with A Raja and Suresh Kalmadi both accused in the high-profile scams in Tihar jail. "Anna Hazare has been lodged in jail number four where Suresh kalmadi and Kalaignar TV managing director Sharad Kumar is lodged," deputy inspector general (Tihar) R N Sharma told PTI.
Anna will be with his associates Rajesh, Suresh Pathare and Manish Sisodia in a cell of the prison which houses 2231 inmates.
Former indian revenue services officer Arvind Kejrewal has been lodged in jail number one with former telecom minister A Raja and MD of D B Realty Shahid Balwa are lodged.
Navin, Dada Thakare and Pathare were accompanying Kejrewal in the cells of this jail which has 1543 prisoners.
All the eight were brought at 4.15pm and were quietly sent to their cells.