5GB paper clip ready

Saturday, August 6, 2011

As flash memory chips continue to get smaller the main advantage is more storage in the same space. For example, the 64GB USB stick of today, will hold double or triple that in the same chip space within just a few years.

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However, there is another advantage to decreasing the size of the storage chips: you can attach a decent amount of storage to tiny objects you’d usually associate with another function entirely…

Electronics company Elecom has done exactly that with the help of Japanese design company Nendo by combining flash storage with a paper clip. The Data Clip as it is called, has dual functionality. On the one hand it is about the same size as a paper clip and acts as such, but then in the extended plastic end you will also find a USB connection and 4GB of on board storage.

The Data Clip may appeal to anyone doing research or working with others on a project. Not only can you print out some relevent information, you can also now clip them together with a Data Clip full of additional notes, images, and video.

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